Monday, June 2, 2008

a special feeling...

i was looking out of the bus window yesterday on a trip with all the junior ballerinas and my sis. it was drizzling outside. and those lil' girls were crowding at my seat, cause one of my junior, viv, was helping them to tie their hair. everyone around me was so excited- the girls, my sis and even the people on the streets.

it always give me a special and intimate feeling while everybody around me is busy with their work or is busy 'in' their minds and i'm watching and observing... a very nice feeling.... this feeling eluded again while i was listening to the music, chris brown-with you and watching the girls chatting, getting excited, laughing and the people on the streets rushing, hugging each other on a rainy day, lovers holding hands enjoying their moments of love, waiting for someone..... somehow it made me feel that: this is life! some people may be suffering, some may be enjoying, some may be busy with their own stuff, some may be appreciating every moments in their life, some may be wasting it away, some may be too busy with their work until they forget their loved ones, some may be missing the others.....

things happen all the time, movements and activities keep on going, keep on going. people keep on growing. feelings keep on coming. pieces of moments of our life may not be all perfect and happy, but i know that they'll be complete and perfect if we know how to put them into different perspective and see and appreciate them always. while people on the streets were busy, while the girls were chatting and laughing out loud, and while lil' girls kept on asking me silly and cute questions, i know that i was feeling the sweetness of life at that moment. i just want to smile and keep on smiling. deep inside i felt so nice and 'lovely' missing my family and special someone. though missing people is kinda torturing at times especially when you're far away from them, i'll make those missings beautiful and perfect and take them as a blessing of life. cause not everyone has the chance to miss somebody! :)

i had lotsa calm thoughts in my mind, lotsa missings going on in my heart, lotsa silly questions to answer, lotsa beautiful music in my ears, and lotsa sweet tender moments going on in my life at that moment, and i was happy and calm. and that was perfect enough for me.

love every moment of my life

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